McFly Fiction
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Unscripted Love [16/18+][Ch.13 Pg.2]

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Unscripted Love [16/18+][Ch.13 Pg.2] - Page 2 Empty Re: Unscripted Love [16/18+][Ch.13 Pg.2]

Post by ChloeRussellx Thu Jun 14, 2012 5:07 am

♥ C H A P T E R | T E N ♥
I spent an hour on Friday calling our chosen applicant, Cory’s references, even though I was pretty certain I was going to hire him. He was twenty-three, good looking, plus it’s be nice to have a male behind the bar. To make him even more perfect, he could start tonight.
I opened the bar, and from the start, Cory was a natural.
With things going so well and under control, I was tempted to call Tom, but my phone began vibrating in my pocket. I looked at the time; it was half ten.
“Libby, I’ll be right back.”
“Hi!” I basically squeaked into the phone as I sat on my stairs.
“Hi, how are you?” Tom asked.
“I’m great! You?” I was more than happy to hear from him.
“Good, I just left dinner. I really want to see you.”
“I really want to see you too.”
“Good!” He said, happily. “See you tomorrow, mate,” I heard him say. A car door slammed and his breathing increased.
“Why does it sound like you’re running?” I asked.
“I’m half way up your alley,” I could hear the smile on his face.
I ran to the back door.
A few minutes later, a hooded figure slipped through my back door.
His eyes met mine and a huge grin appeared on his face. “Hey,” he greeted, knocking his hood back. “Brrr, it’s cold out there.” My face spread to a beaming smile as he wrapped his arms around my shoulders to give me a quick hug. “So, how are you?” he asked releasing me.
“I’m good!” I answered. So much for not letting him hug me.
“You look amazing,” he complimented. His eyes lingered on me before he spoke again. “Do you mind if I relax upstairs and wait for you? I’m not in the mood for a crowd.”
“Course not,” I smiled. We strolled to the stairs and climbed them, at the top I unlocked the door for him. Our eyes met as he gently placed his hand in mine and we walked into my flat.
He took his bag off his shoulder and peeled off his jacket, making a small pile of stuff on my living room floor.
I walked over to my windows and pulled the curtains across. I could only imagine the photographers waiting outside trying to take pictures.
“How was your day?” I asked, trying to get back to friends mode.
“Busy. We filmed all day. I just got off the set then a few of us went for a quick bite to eat. I was actually able to have a meal without fans screaming at me tonight!”
“Did you use the Ninja cloak?” I joked.
“Wasn’t any need for it,” He grinned. “I wish I’d freshened up before I came here though,” his eyebrows pulled down a bit.
“No cut lips?” I was looking to see if was wearing any make up still.
“Nope, thank god! Do you mind if I take a shower?”
My mind went straight into overdrive at the thought of Tom naked in my flat.
“No, I don’t mind,” I tried to sound unaffected. “You know your way around, make yourself at home.”
Thinking about him being naked and wet in my flat was too dangerous, especially with a crowded bar to attend to. I hurried down the hall to the bathroom and set out a fresh towel on the heated towel rack for him. I could clearly picture him standing in the shower as the soap runs off his muscular frame, washing him clean. Naked, wet, soapy…Focus Sophie!
“I have to run downstairs and make sure Libby is okay covering the bar. I have a new bartender working tonight. I’ll be right back. Can I get you anything to drink while I’m down there?”
“Ah, a beer would be amazing, thank you Sophie,” he smiled appreciatively.
After I settled with Libby to cover the bar, I returned to him with a six pack of beer in one hand and a bottle of tequila in the other. He peeked up over some papers in his hand; a grin cracked on his lips as he shook his head at me in disbelief.
“What you reading?” I handed a cold bottle of beer to him.
“I got a new script my agent wants me to look at.”
“What’s it about?” I asked, genuinely interested.
“I’ve been told it’s about a guy whose parents and sister are murdered and he has to try and find out who done it and why.” he took a sip of his beer.
“Hmm, is that something you want to do?”
“I’m not sure. I have to read this whole thing and let my agent know by Tuesday.
“This Tuesday?” I asked shocked, “In four days you have to give them an answer? No wonder you’re stressed with pressure like this.”
Tom looked at me, “I guess, but it’s my job,” he shrugged with a smile.
“I have to get back to the pub and finish up the night; we’re getting really busy down there. I even have Hanna helping out tonight. Are you okay up here by yourself?”
He walked over to me and rubbed my arms up and down softly. “Don’t worry about me.”
“I feel really bad leaving you here like this,” I uttered sadly, melting like butter under his touch.
Tom’s hand slid down my arm and he brushed his fingers on mine; his other hand lifted my chin until our eyes met.
“Don’t. I’m looking forward to some rest, actually. I’ll see you when you get back.”
I sighed. “I’ll see you in three hours.”
“Before you go, I’d like your phone, please,” he requested, holding out his hand. “I’m going to program it.” I handed over my mobile phone. “Now odd you go! Get back to work!” He spun me by my shoulders and nudged me toward the door.
I was glad we were busy tonight; it made the three hours go by pretty quickly.
I was so excited to finally lock the doors and get back upstairs that I ran up the stairs to my flat.
Tom was lying on the sofa, peacefully asleep. His long legs were stretched out and his bare feet hung off the edge.
I slowly removed the thick script that rested on his chest from underneath his folded hands and set it on the coffee table. He was so sound asleep that the motion didn’t even make him stir. I grabbed the quilt that my Nan made and covered him up.
I noticed his hair was still damp and sticking out from his shower. I sat down on the wooden coffee table and took in the sight of him. He lips were slightly parted as he breathed and I hoped he was having peaceful dreams.
I took one last look at him before I turned out the lights and headed to bed.
It was still dark in my bedroom when I woke, suddenly startled. I felt my bed move as Tom carefully slid his body underneath my covers.
Without saying a word, he snuggled up behind me and made himself comfortable on the spare pillow. I leaned back slightly to acknowledge him, resting my body on his chest. He curled up tighter behind me; I could feel that he was still fully dressed.
Tom’s hand skimmed down my arm. Very slowly, he slid his open hand on top of mine, lacing out fingers together. He let out a soft sigh when I closed my fingers around his.
For how hard I tried to protect myself from getting hurt, it felt so right to lie here with him.

The sun started to rise and soft light filled my bedroom. I felt his arm pull me closer to his chest; his warm breath danced over my shoulder as he snuggled with me. His breathing returned to the sound of sleep, so I let myself drift back to my incredible dream.
I woke again and I felt him stir. His fingers flexed, gripping my hip. His fingertips circled to feel what I was wearing. His legs stretched as he lightly pressed himself into me when his brain received the message that I was only wearing knickers and a t-shirt.
“Good morning,” he whispered in my ear, sliding his hand across my stomach.
“Mmm, hi!” was all I could say as our eyes met. He grinned at me and gently swept the hair off my forehead with his fingertips.
“Sorry I fell asleep last night. Why did you wake me when you got back?” he yawned.
“You were so peaceful, I didn’t want to.”
He smiled that sexy grin while his fingers drifted over my skin and stroked my cheek.
The desire to lean into him and press my lips to his was so strong. He appeared to be fighting the same urges.
I rolled over to face him and nestled my cheek on his shoulder; my hands on his chest. I just wanted to touch him. He wrapped his arm over my shoulder so his hand could hold my head to his chest.
After I was showered and dressed, I joined him in the kitchen and he had a cup of coffee as he stood looking out of the window. His face lit up when I walked in. His reaction caught me off guard. Why was he happy to see me?
Tom looked so casual, standing there in a very familiar blue t-shirt, his jeans with the worn pockets hanging a bit on his hips. He hadn’t put on any shoes or socks yet. I never realised that seeing a man drinking a cup of coffee in my kitchen could be such a turn-on.
“Hey,” he greeted me. His face flashed a big grin, his eyes looked me over. “I hope you don’t mind but I made some coffee, can I pour you a cup?”
“Yeah, that would be nice, thanks.” I opened the fridge to get the milk.
“Here, let me get that,” he said as he took the bottle from my hand.
I reached back into the fridge for the box of eggs. I was hungry so I figured he must be too.
“Can I make you some breakfast?” I asked.
He smiled and nodded. “That would be lovely.”
The way we flowed together in the room was so natural. It felt as if we’d done this for years.
“What have you got on for today?” I asked while buttering a piece of toast for him.
“I have to be back on set at ten,” his eyes flickered up to meet mine.
I gave him a brief smile. We discussed how we could get him from my flat to the set without being seen. The plan was that I would drive him halfway to somewhere where he could transfer to a waiting car that would drive him to the set.
I saw his face brighten when we picked up my acoustic guitar that was propped on a stand in the corner of the living room. Since we didn’t have much time, we hung out in there. He placed the guitar on his knee and gave it a quick strum. He surprised me by playing pretty well.
“I saw this on Monday when I was here but I didn’t get a chance to ask you. Do you play or is it just for decoration?” he wondered, looking at me over his shoulder.
“I play,” I answered, although I was far from a master at it. “I know a few songs. Sometimes I try to write my own music when the mood hits, but I’m not a good songwriter,” I admitted.
He handed me the guitar and gave me an encouraging nod. “Play me something.”
My heart rate picked up as my nerves got the better of me.
“Okay, no laughing! Promise!”
“I’d never laugh at you. I promise,” he crossed his heart with his fingers.
“Guess the song,” I said and began to play.
“Easy! Blink 182, All The Small Things,” he said with a smile.
We both started singing.
When I finished, he slipped the guitar out of my hand and I gave him my guitar pick. He gave me a quick wink and a grin and played a few chords.
“This is something I wrote,” he said and started to play a beautiful melody. While he sand his song to me I felt myself falling deeper and deeper for him.
“What do you think?” he asked when he finished.
“I loved it!”
After he set my guitar back on the stand, Tom started collecting up his belongings. I didn’t want him to leave.
Tom managed to get from my backdoor into my car without being noticed. We didn’t talk very much on the way.
We met his driver in an empty car park. He turned to me and his fingers reached out to touch my face and thanked me for a wonderful morning.
“I’ll call you later, okay?” he said as he pulled his hand away.
I smiled and nodded. It was the only response I could manage.
He slipped out of my car and quickly hopped into the open door of the car that waited. All I could do was wave goodbye.
By the time I returned home, Sidney was already there, busy unloading boxes from the van.
“I put all the steaks in the refrigerator and the booze delivery is in the back,” He informed.
I stepped behind the bar to put the cash drawer in the till.
“Oh and Hanna’s got the rest of the catering under control. We got everything on the list, so we’re good to go for tomorrow.”
“Thanks Sidney. You and Hanna are the best! Did I give you enough money or do I still owe you?”
“The shrimp cost more than we figured but we still came under budget. I think there was still about £40 left.”
“Just keep it. Petrol costs money too. I’m just thankful I have friends like you two,” I grinned.
“So, what’s up with you?” Sidney asked.
I looked down to the floor, not sure how to explain my mood. “I know you’ve been…in a different situation lately. You wanna talk about it?” He asked as he came round the other side of the bar to stand beside me.
“I’m falling for him, Sid. I can’t help it anymore. I tried to just be friends,” I said. “But I want him. I’ve never wanted a man more, and now I’m worried that I’m just setting myself up for the biggest heartbreak of my life.”
Sidney wrapped me in a big bear hug. “You know, when Charlie pulled that shit on you, I wanted to kill him. You’re too good of a person to have to cope with anything less than the best in life. You deserve to be happy, Sophie. Not every guy is like Charlie. Tom seems like such a nice guy, I don’t believe he’d do anything to hurt you. You have to give the poor guy a chance. Sometimes you can also be your worst enemy,” Sidney scolded. “If you never take chances, then of course you wont get hurt. But that’s life. Living through the good and bad, and I think Tom is good.”
“Sid, he’s leaving in a couple of weeks. He’s not going to stick around here,” I sighed heavily from the one thought that brought me the most pain. “What am I supposed to do?”
Just then my phone vibrated in my pocket, startling me.
I opened the text message:
“PITA is throwing a hissy fit again she hates her costume today”
I frowned and quickly typed. “Can’t you lock her in a trailer?”
“I wish”
“Is she coming tomorrow” I asked.
“Yes sorry. Btw I slept great last night best night sleep in a long time” I’ve got a lot on my hands tomorrow then.
My fingers quickly typed. “Liar.”
“See you tomorrow at 5?”
“You can see me tonight if you want?”

I couldn’t text him back. I wanted to see him so bad but my inner protection for my heart and brain were screaming NO at me.
If I say “Sure, come on over and hop into my bed again” would he think of me as easy? If I say “no, because I really want a relationship and not a one-night stand” would he do one and I’d never see him again?
Why am I mentally torturing myself?
Just because he is popular and well known, does that make him exempt from having to win my heart?
He makes me crazy every time he’s in the same room as me, so he really doesn’t have to try too hard to win my affection.
Maybe one day when I’m old and grey I can tell my story of how I had unbelievably amazing sex with a movie star once? That would be something to tell the grandchildren.
One thing was for sure, if I give in to him, I would want him again and again. There would not be a way to survive a one-time encounter with him. When he held me this morning, his fingers twined with mine, his body pressed against me, making love to him was all I could think of.
“Sophie, are you okay?” Libby’s voice snapped me back into the room. “Why are you sitting in the corner? Are you ill?”
“Just mentally tormenting myself,” I muttered.
“And how’s that going for you?” she asked, cracking a grin at me.
“Not good. The angel and devil are debating on my shoulders whether I should cave into him or keep my guard up.” Even though the guard isn’t doing a great job at protecting my heart.
“Finally! It took you long enough!” she said excitedly. “And?”
I shrugged.
“You know what I think? I think you should stop all this crap and fuck the shit out of him until he passes out from exhaustion. And when he wakes up, wash him and screw the daylights out of him again!” She was beaming at me. “You’ll have to feed him, of course, to keep his energy up, but make sure you hide his clothes so he can’t get dressed. Men can’t run while they’re naked.” This conversation would be awkward with Libby if I thought of her as my cousin, but I thought of her as my best friend instead.
I couldn’t stop laughing. “Thanks! I needed that.”
“Come on,” she said while pulling me off the box in the corner. “Let’s get you focused. It will be like training an athlete once you get him upstairs.”
Our Saturday night crowd was unusually light. I didn’t have a band scheduled, so I presumed that we wouldn’t have any customers, but since Tom had been to my pub twice, every night seemed to be busy; except for tonight.
“I thought we would be getting bombarded by now,” Libby huffed.
One of the ladies sitting at the bar screamed. “Tom Fletcher’s whereabouts were posted on the internet. My girl friend called to tell me that the cast is eating at The Olde Street Steakhouse. It has a new nightclub attached called Energy. She said the bar is so packed that you can’t even walk through the place.”
“I’ve been there once,” Cory said. “There’s a £10 charge just to get in. Drinks were really expensive too. I bet there’s load of women there tonight.”
Great. Apparently Tom was occupying his time with other activities. I wondered if it was because I didn’t reply to his text about seeing him tonight.
It was almost eleven o’clock when my phone vibrated. My smile was huge when I heard my ring tone. It was I’m Yours by Jason Mraz.
“Hey, you!” Tom greeted. “You working hard?”
“No, not really. We’re kind of dead, actually. What are you up to?”
“I’m at some restaurant. We just finished eating.”
“This late? It’s almost eleven.”
“Sorry I didn’t call you earlier, but we had a meeting at eight and then it took a while for all our food to come out. The food wasn’t great. It was disappointing,” he snickered.
“I promise I’ll feed you better tomorrow.”
“Hmm, I’m looking forward to it!” he stated.
“I really like my new ring tone!” I smiled.
“Good!” He sighed, sounding relieved.
“Pretty deep though, don’t you think?” I asked, prompting him to explain,
“Maybe that was the intention,” he answered. “I wanted to get a message across so there’s no confusion.”
I swallowed hard, my subconscious fighting to protect me from getting crushed.
“I love Jason Mraz,” I continued, trying to stay on the lighter side.
“I noticed you had his CD’s. Minus one that’s now in my possession,” he said, laughing an evil laugh.
I gasped in shock, I never even realised he had it! I had to laugh.
I thought about how he held me this morning and how desperately I wanted him to hold me again…in his warm, strong arms.
“So…am I to understand that you’re mine?” I asked teasingly.
“I can be yours if you want me to be, Sophie,” he whispered.
My breath hitched from his words. My pulse quickened and I started to tremble.
“Is that that your intention?” I asked.
Tom cleared his throat. “My intention is to let you know where my heart is. The rest is up to you,” he said softly.
I took another deep breath. “So…how what? Where do we go from here?”
“We give it a chance,” Tom declared quite convincingly.
Going Through The Motions
Going Through The Motions

Posts : 209
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Join date : 2012-03-25
Location : Essex! Dont be jel, be reem ;)

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Unscripted Love [16/18+][Ch.13 Pg.2] - Page 2 Empty Re: Unscripted Love [16/18+][Ch.13 Pg.2]

Post by HannaWestwood Tue Jun 26, 2012 3:05 am

Hiii the beginning of the Tom-Sophie "more-then-close" relationship Razz

Ahh good times ♥️

Why is there no readers? Maybe they already posted on FILF =/
Anyway, keep posting Smile

Thank you xXx
Going Through The Motions
Going Through The Motions

Posts : 155
Age : 30
Join date : 2012-03-27
Location : Marseille, FRANCE

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Unscripted Love [16/18+][Ch.13 Pg.2] - Page 2 Empty Re: Unscripted Love [16/18+][Ch.13 Pg.2]

Post by ChloeRussellx Wed Jun 27, 2012 3:34 am

♥ C H A P T E R | E L E V E N ♥
It was just about to turn midnight when Tom secretly entered through the back door of my pub. The light was turned off, so the kitchen was dark when he arrived. He had his jacket hood up over his head again and his bag was slung over his shoulder.
I had just locked the door behind him when he dropped his stuffed back on the floor and slowly walked to stand in front of me.
“Hello,” he whispered and gently smiled, bending slightly to give me a hug. Without hesitating, he slipped one hand around my waist and his other slightly higher on my back.
This hug was different. He always hugged me around my shoulders, my arms would go around his waist.
His new stance surprised and naturally forced my arms to wrap around his shoulders. My nose skimmed across his chest when he pulled me in. God he smells good!
His fingertips pressed into my back as his lips softly kissed my forehead.
Fire burned through my veins at the touch of his lips on my skin. My hands responded and I automatically began caressing his neck.
The light from the bar peeked through the slightly opened kitchen door, illuminating his cheek in the darkness.
My fingers reached to trace the light on his cheek as he looked at me with needy eyes.
Slowly he leaned towards me and pressed his lips to mine. His first kisses were tender, pausing to rest his lips on mine, I suppose to test my reaction, but my mouth encouraged him to carry on.
I felt his lips part as the soft tip of his tongue joined in with his kiss. Desire for him shot through every cell in my body.
He placed his warm hand on my neck to hold my face to his as he kissed me passionately. Our lips moved together perfectly as his tongue glided against mine.
His kissing was far better than I could have ever imagined. I tried like to remember why I had denied myself of his man for so long, but the heat from his ragged breath surged right into my head and melted my thoughts.
His hands were holding my face when he broke away from our kiss. He wrapped his arms from my body.
No! Don’t stop!
“You don’t know how long I’ve wanted to do that,” Tom whispered.
My heart was beating so fast, I wondered if he could feel it through his jacket. I took a half step back and bumped into the kitchen counter behind me. My hand was clenched on the front of his jacket and my grip pulled his body forward.
Like a flash of lightning, he grabbed my under my arms and lifted me up onto the counter.
My fingers wove into his hair and my legs wrapped around his hips; out lips expressed out mutual desire.
He pressed himself into me and I could feel through his jeans that he was completely aroused.
His fingers clenched and clawed at the back pockets of my jeans, pulling me forward and bumping me into him. I envisioned him making love to me right here on the kitchen counter. By the way he rubbed into me, I was sure he was thinking the same thing. I softly moaned as the hunger turned to passion.
The intensity of our kissing calmed and slowed until our lips rested together. We both smiled.
“I don’t remember. Did I even say hi?” Tom whispered, joking.
“Yes, you did,” I giggled on his lips.
He chuckled in my mouth. His lips locked back on mine, convincing me that this amazing connection between us needed and deserved a chance to grow.
Both of our hands had already found skin; his hands were under my shirt and midway up my back. One of my hands had skimmed down his neck and underneath the collar of his t-shirt.
I had his bottom lip between my teeth when thoughts of Libby walking in on our kissing session started to put a damper on my lust.
“Before we get caught, we need to go upstairs…”
I slipped off the counter and into his arms.
Tom gathered his bag from the floor. I was amused to see that he had to adjust his jeans. His arousal was definitely noticeable.
I peeked out the door before attempting to sneak him from the kitchen to the stairs. Most of the crowd had disappeared. There were only about twenty people left in the pub, but I still wanted to get him upstairs.
Tom had just slipped through the stairway door as Libby came around the corner at the same moment.
She was looking for me and I was busted.
Her face broke into a grin when she saw what I was up to. “Tom?” she mouthed as she pointed to the door.
I shrugged. My shameful smile was enough of a confirmation.
“Glad to see you’re taking my advice! Go on, I’ll lock up. Go have a great night!”
I was halfway up the stairs when Libby called me back. I tossed my key to Tom.
“I’ll be right back,” I said to him, nodding for him to go on without me. I trotted down the stairs and almost ran right into Libby.
“You forgetting something?” she teased, holding out a chilled bottle of champagne.
Tom had his coat off and was in the living room when I walked into my flat.
“Gift from Libby,” I handed the bottle to him. “She saw you. Sorry,” I apologised, “Don’t worry, she wont say anything.”
“Do you want me to open this?” he asked, even though he already started peeling the foil off the top.
“Let me get some glasses.”
He popped the cork and poured as I held the glasses. Tom slipped one glass from my hand and held it up.
“To…possibilities,” he tapped his glass gently into mine and flashed a smile at me.
“What time do you think you’ll be done tonight?” he asked, sipping his champagne.
“Actually, Libby said she’d close up tonight.”
“Really? You’re done for the night?” He sounded pleased.
“Yep. Would you help me for a second?” I held out my hand to pull him from his seat. He willingly followed me into the kitchen.
“Can you pull the other trays of steaks out of the fridge? I need to flip them.” I had fifteen steaks marinating for our Sunday dinner.
“These steaks look amazing! What’s in the sauce?” he asked.
“Ah, that’s a secret. I could tell you, but then I’d need to kill you. I’ll need you to carry these up to the roof tomorrow. Can I count on you to help me?”
“Absolutely!” he replied, scowling slightly that I’d even have to ask him.
When we finished in the kitchen, Tom started to investigate my DVD collection. “Can we watch a movie? You have one of my favourites.”
He kicked his shoes off and made himself comfortable on the sofa. When I sat down next to him, he held his hand out to me. “Come here,” he whispered. He repositioned his body so I was lying on his chest.
Tom smiled at me and kissed my forehead softly.
His finger gently raised my chin and he kissed my tenderly. I was surprised that he didn’t try to take things further again. Instead, after a few loving kisses, he just held me in his arms while he watched the movie.
He’d chosen Cinderella. I’d seem the movie so many times before, it was really hard for me to pay attention to it being in the arms of Tom. He was softly stroking my hair and my back it made me very relaxed. I was so comfortable lying on him, I felt myself drifting off.
“Sophie, sweetheart. Wake up,” Tom whispered groggily. He shifted his body underneath me so he could sit up.
I rubbed my eyes and noticed the clock, it was a few minutes until two. Tom went into the bathroom.
I waited for Tom to finish so I could take my turn.
“Do you mind if I stay? If not I can always walk to the hotel.”
“It’s pretty late,” I answered.
We gazed at each other; I watched his mouth curl down in disappointment. I, too, felt the same sadness thinking about him leaving. “Stay,” I whispered.
“Do you have an extra pillow?” his eyes flashed down the hallway to the living room. I guess he was offering to sleep on the sofa.
We stood there in the hallway leaning on opposite walls just looking at each other. He was trying to be a gentleman and not forcing his way into my bed, but in my mouth, the sofa in the front room was far too big a distance between us.
Things would be a lot different in my bedroom tonight from how they were last night, and we both knew it.
The door to physical contact and intimacy had been opened.
I held out my hand, craving for him to hold me in his arms like he did this morning. Tom smiled and placed just the tips of his fingers on mine. I curled his fingers into the palm of my hand and led him into my dark bedroom.
I turned on my bedside lamp and quickly went into the bathroom to change.
When I got back into my bedroom, Tom was watching me as he lifted his t-shirt over his head. Oh my. I watched him as he undid his jeans and pulled them over his long legs. He quickly pulled his socks off and tossed them one by one to the floor.
Tom slide into bed beside me and adjusted his pillows until he was comfortable. I hesitantly rested my hand on his bare chest. I wanted to let my fingers wander but my hand was frozen in place.
He slid down in bed until our eyes were level. He gently stroked my cheek as we fazed into each other’s eyes. I’ve never realised just how breathtakingly gorgeous he actually is until this moment; this moment where I’m allowed to stare at him for as long as I want, and it not be wrong or awkward.
He gently strokes my cheek, his fingertips guided my face to his and as he softly kissed my lips. His touch was so gentle it made me smile.
Slowly, our hands touched each other’s bodies. Our fingertips delicately trailed over each other’s skin, taking the liberty to explore usually out of bound areas.
With his hand that rested at the bottom of my back, he pulls me closer to him; his kisses completely turned me on. Softly he bit and sucked my bottom lip and I moaned in pleasure.
I ran my hand down his back. I had wanted to feel his body for so long, and now I was finally getting my wish. His hand gripped my hip in response to my roaming hands and moans. My fingers trailed down his chest to his stomach; I felt his body quiver lightly under my touch. I could feel he was completely aroused for me.
I was getting too carried away in the moment; a few more minutes and there would be no turning back. Fear and doubt crept into my body and I placed my hand flat on his chest and pushed him away lightly.
“Sophie, I understand. I want you so bad, but I don’t want to do anything you’re not ready to do,” Tom whispered.
I had no will power left. My body wanted him - all of him. “Talk to me, tell me what’s in your head,” Tom whispered.
“I’m worried.”
“What are you worried about?”
I took a deep breath and sighed.
“Sex for me involves emotions. You’re not going to be here for much longer,” the words were difficult to say. The thought of Tom leaving shattered my heart.
“Look at me. Please…look into my eyes,” he softly pleaded.
I turned to gaze back at him. His eyes were hypnotic.
“If you haven’t noticed. I’m crazy about you. You’re all I think about,” he said as he brushed his fingertips over my cheek. “You’re not the only one making an emotional leap here. I know why you’re worried, Sophie. I’m not here to use you or to hurt you. You have to understand, it’s not easy for me to have any kind of relationship. It’s difficult for me to keep a private life or to trust anyone. One of my old girlfriends sold details of our relationship to a magazine for money.” He took a deep breath. “After that, let’s just say it’s been a while since I’ve been this emotionally close with anyone.”
He looked into my eyes. “Believe me when I say that random one-night stands aren’t for me. That’s all I need, for stuff like that to be in print too.”
“I guess we both have the same problem. You don’t trust women and I don’t trust men.”
“So why don’t you trust men?”
“I was…involved with someone a few months ago too. Let’s just say, one woman wasn’t enough for him,” I was careful not to say ‘engaged’. “Anyway, sounds like we’ve both had our fair share of pain to deal with.”
Tom’s eyebrows pulled down in a frown. I leant up on my elbows. “Tom, I care about you, a lot. I guess that’s why I’m worried to jump into this - because we both need to be able to trust each other. But I promise, no matter what happens between us, I will never betray you. That’s wrong.”
I placed my hand flat on his chest over his heart, “Inside here is compassion and tenderness and I see a beautiful man who deserves to be loved. I can only hope that you trust me enough now to believe me when I say, I would never do anything to hurt you.”
“I know you wouldn’t hurt me,” Tom smiled as he stroked my arm. “When I’m with you, I feel strangely at peace. Like I can relax. I feel like I can trust you with my secrets, and you have something no one else has. When I look at you, you take my breath away,” His eyes held my gaze. “Sophie, I’m fa…” he stopped to bite his lip and sighed, swallowing hard. “I can about you too, so much more than I think you realise. I’ve been trying to take this slow for a reason. But being with you is just so easy and natural, and I’m pretty sure you feel the same way.”
“Yes, I do,” I breathed out, amazed that we both felt so deeply for each other.
“I don’t want to hold back these feelings any longer.”
“Neither do I,” I whispered.
Tom smiled softly. “Every time I’m separated form you, I can’t wait to see you again. I just want to be with you.”
I was already falling in love with him, and to hear his confession of his feelings made my decision earlier to make.
I leaned over and softly kissed him. His fingers tangled in my hair and I felt his desire for me. Gently he rolled me onto my back, his eyes locked on mine.
“Are you sure? ‘Cause I want you more than anything right now,” he breathed.
I reached up and pulled his face to mine. Our mouths melted together. He wasn’t in a hurry; he kissed me slowly, lovingly. I could sense that he was going to make love to me, not just have sex with me.
Tom slid his hand underneath my t-shirt as he kissed me. He pulled my t-shirt up and I helped him take it off. Without taking his eyes off of me, he tossed it across the room behind him.
He trailed his fingertips down my neck and to my breasts, cupping one in his hand. A powerful feeling of arousal shocked into my belly as his lips moved from my mouth to my breast. My entire body tingled, craving for him everywhere.
My eyes closed and I sank into pure pleasure from the feeling of his tongue against my skin. I ran my hands tightly from his hair to his shoulders, moaning from his touch.
I pulled his face back to mine, hungry for him. His hand entered the space between my skin and knickers round my behind as he squeezed one of my bum cheeks.
Tom hooked the top of my knickers with his thumb, peeling them away. They also got thrown to the floor.
He trailed his fingertips up the inside of my leg, I gasped and shook under his touch. I slid my fingers under the elastic waistband and used my forearm to push the fabric that separated us down. My hand clasped around him and stroked while he moaned in my mouth.
He broke away and removed his boxers, they followed the direction of the rest of our clothes. Tom reached up and carefully cupped my face in his hand and stroked his thumb over my lips. A small smile broke on his face and I mirrored his expression. He leaned down and softly kissed me. It was slow and passionate like he was savouring the touch.
I sucked in a sharp breath as he slowly slid inside me. I watched as he closed his eyes for a moment and quietly moaned.
His lips returned to kiss mine and he carefully pressed the weight of his body down on me. I opened my legs wider and wrapped them round his body.
His eyes were fixed on mine as his hips slowly moved. He was slow, intense and precise. He sighed in my ear as I wrapped my arms tighter around his body. There was no fear as he made love to me, our bodies fit perfectly together.
He rolled onto his back and pulled me on top of him. His hands were at my hips, assisting my movements.
“Oh, Sophie,” he moaned. He wrapped his arm around my back, pulling me tightly to his chest.
“Lie down next to me, on your side,” he whispered in my ear. I slipped off him and rolled onto my side. He wrapped his arm under my thigh and entered me from behind. “Oh,” I gasped in pleasure. His mouth locked on mine, stopping me from screaming out loud from the mind-blowing orgasm that he caused.
As soon as I stopped quivering, he rolled me over onto my stomach and pulled me up onto my knees while he was still inside me.
I sucked in a few breaths through my clenched teeth as I felt him bringing on my second orgasm. I squeezed down on him, gripping him inside me and I felt him shudder from behind me. He let out a long groan as we climaxed together.
Tom lay back down next to me on the bed, our breathing was deep. His hand slid over the sheet until his fingers found mine, taking my hand in his. “Wow,” I giggled.
He chuckled lightly. “You said it.”
He rolled onto his side; our eyes met and we both smiled at each other. His fingers trailed down my face and lifted my chin so he could kiss me again.
We lay there for a long time intertwined in each other, staring deeply into each other’s eyes. He softly placed small kisses on my lips.
It was getting harder and harder to keep my eyes open and his yawns were contagious. He rolled me over so I was facing away from him and he pulled me tightly to his bare chest. He pulled the cover up over us and wrapped his long arms around me. I pulled his hand up to my lips, giving him a tender kiss then slipped my fingers through his.
“Sweet dreams,” he whispered, kissing my bare shoulder.
My whole body relaxed and I slowly drifted off to an almost sleep. I thought I heard Tom’s voice softly say, “I love you.”
Although it was barely a whisper, the sound of his voice was so crystal clear it snapped me back into consciousness. My eyes instantly popped open. I could feel his hot breath exhale on my naked shoulder and he pulled me tighter to his chest. I listened to his breathing to see if he was sleeping. It sounded like he was. I must be just imagining things.
Going Through The Motions
Going Through The Motions

Posts : 209
Age : 31
Join date : 2012-03-25
Location : Essex! Dont be jel, be reem ;)

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Unscripted Love [16/18+][Ch.13 Pg.2] - Page 2 Empty Re: Unscripted Love [16/18+][Ch.13 Pg.2]

Post by mirandarr. Wed Jun 27, 2012 6:31 am

I was reading through all of this for about a hour now and kept repeating, "Kiss him already, Sophie. Go ahead. Mhmm. KISS HIM."
When they finally did, it made me all KLFASLFLJRWQJLRIHLQWRNLSJLFKFJ.
This story is amazing. I love it so much. *-*
It's a great plot, too. You didn't rush into them being together like most people do.
We Are The Young
We Are The Young

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Unscripted Love [16/18+][Ch.13 Pg.2] - Page 2 Empty Re: Unscripted Love [16/18+][Ch.13 Pg.2]

Post by ChloeRussellx Thu Jun 28, 2012 5:35 am

♥ C H A P T E R | T W E L V E ♥
I woke and looked at the clock which read 9:20am. Tom’s warm, naked body was snuggled against mine. I really detested the thought of moving from my comfy spot in his arms, but nature was calling; desperately.
I wiggled myself free from his arm and slid my body to the edge of the bed. I looked around on the floor for my clothes, not seeing them anywhere. I made a mental note to myself to buy a dressing gown or robe next time I go shopping.
He rolled over to watch me hunt. “Good morning,” he murmured happily.
“Good morning! Have you seen my t-shirt?” I asked with a smile.
“Yep. I know right where it is, but I can’t tell you.” He shook his head. He looked so damn sexy lying there baked in my bed.
I smirked at him. His t-shirt was on the floor so I slipped that over my head. The cotton held his beautiful scent.
“Nice! Hurry back!” he grinned at me.
Tom took his turn in the bathroom while I put a pot of coffee on. Instead of joining my in the kitchen, he went back to bed. Lazy bum.
I stopped in the doorway of my bedroom, taking a moment to enjoy the view. He was lying with his arms folded up under his head, the light from the window made his skin glow.
My eyes travelled down to his exposed body and I could see more clearly every detail of his chiselled abs. The bed cover just about covered the rest of him.
He smiled and patted his hand on the empty space beside him. I grinned and slowly shook my head. I had another place I had in mind. He looked at me with confusion. I giggled to myself, stepping out of view and slipped his t-shirt off. I held his t-shirt up and dangled it in the air so he could see before dropping it to the floor.
I figured he’d get the hint.
I had just turned the water on in the shower when he slipped his hands around my waist. The hot water felt amazing on my aching muscles. Muscles I hadn’t used in a long, long time. I felt so relaxed as he rubbed my shoulders under the water.
We took turns washing each other. His hands massaged the shampoo into my hair. It was so soothing and erotic at the same time! He was definitely enjoying running the soapy sponge over my body.
My soapy hand washed him as his lips kissed me passionately. I let my mouth take in droplets of water from his chest before I knelt down in front of him.
My eyes flickered up to watch his face express his pleasure.
His fingers tangled in my wet hair as I tightened my grip. When Tom’s moans became more urgent, I stood up, “I think we’re clean enough now.”
I handed a towel to him and wrapped another one around my body. He didn’t bother to dry off. He dropped the towel and guided me backwards to the sink, lifting me up and onto the bathroom counter.
He dropped to his knees and slid me to the edge, his hands pushed my legs apart. I felt his tongue first, followed by a mass amount of pleasure. I ran my hands through his wet hair, savouring his touch.
Each flick of his tongue sent a shockwave through my entire body and I shuddered from the ecstasy he’s making me feel. He kissed the inside of my thigh and stood up, sliding himself inside me.
Cold water dripped from his hair onto my chest and stomach as we moved together.
His arms held my legs apart, I watched his eyes squeeze shut and him breath hard. Soft moans escaped from both of us.
“Tom, let’s go back to the bed,” I said. I was sliding off the bathroom counter. He lifted me up, still inside me and carried me into the bedroom.
He lay me down on the edge of the bed and grabbed my ankles, placing them on his shoulders. His face returned to the pleasurable expression he wore in the bathroom, his mouth was parted slightly as deep breaths came from it.
“I’m close…in or out?” he strained to ask.
“Don’t stop,” I moaned, squeezing down on him. “Stay in, it’s okay.”
I almost stopped breathing while I let the climax take over me.
Tom climaxed soon after I did and I felt his body shudder as he burst inside me. A not-so-quiet groan rolled out of his mouth.
Going Through The Motions
Going Through The Motions

Posts : 209
Age : 31
Join date : 2012-03-25
Location : Essex! Dont be jel, be reem ;)

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Unscripted Love [16/18+][Ch.13 Pg.2] - Page 2 Empty Re: Unscripted Love [16/18+][Ch.13 Pg.2]

Post by ChloeRussellx Wed Jul 04, 2012 6:39 pm

♥ C H A P T E R | T H I R T E E N ♥
“Are the paparazzi going to follow the cast here today?” I asked wrapping a fluffy white towel around my body after our second shower.
“Probably. Too many of them are coming here to slip away unnoticed,” he said as he rubbed the towel over his hair. “I thought about cancelling this just to keep the unwanted attention away. But we’ll just say it’s a private cast party in your pub.”
“You know you won’t be able to leave with them tonight, don’t you? It’ll be obvious you were already here when you don’t arrive with them, but you’ll leave with them…”
“I know, I thought about that after I got here last night. I’m sorry.”
“Nothing to be sorry about. Does that mean I have to sleep with you again tonight?” I gave him a teasing shove and ran for the bedroom.
“Oh no, it’s such a tragic time!” Tom teased as he chased me into the bedroom. He caught me and swept me up in his arms. Before I knew it, I was pinned onto the bed. He leaned down and kissed me passionately again.
“Keep this up and we’ll never get dressed,” I murmured on his lips.
“Sounds good to me!” he chuckled, his eyes looking like a little boy about to walk into a sweet shop. “I’m quite sure I can go for another hour or so.”
“What time is it?” I asked. I couldn’t see the clock on the bedside table.
“Half eleven nearly.”
“We have several hours to kill,” I grinned.
He flashed his sexy smile at me and then placed his lips back on mine.

Tom wasn’t joking when he said he could go for another hour. It was more adventurous this time as we learned each other’s bodies, in various surfaces in the bedroom.
“Shit,” he gasped, crashing onto the bed beside me.
I was still trying to catch my breath.
“I need another shower after that!” He breathed.
“Me too.”
“Put your hand on my chest,” he requested.
I had trouble with this simple request, my body was coming down from an amazing orgasm he’d caused me to unleash - again. My hand slapped down on his skin.
“Ow!” He yelped.
“Sorry, I can’t feel my arms yet!”
“Feel that? You did that?”
“What did I do?” my heart was pounding just as hard as mine was.
He rolled over on his side and pulled me closer, his eyes locked on mine.
“You made my heart whole again,” he said with a shy smile. His lips softly massaged mine and I could feel the passion in each kiss.
I gazed into his eyes and lightly brushed my fingertips across his cheek. Three words flashed into my head as I looked at him, but I couldn’t say them out loud.
I wondered if he had three little words in his mind too and if one day I might hear him say them out loud.
I took his hand and pressed it against my chest, just above my breast. “You did the same for me.”
He kissed my fingertips and smiled.
“C’mon, let’s get freshened up…again.”
He took me by the hand and pulled me off the bed.
“When do you have to be back on set?” I asked. I turned the tap on and tested the temperature with my hand.
“I have to be in makeup by seven.” He muttered, placing our towels on the bathroom counter.
I wondered if I would have to drive him to our secret transfer point or if he’s get picked up here. I’d save that question for later though, I didn’t want to think of him leaving, not so early in the day when I didn’t need to yet.
We climbed into the shower to wash again and Tom’s expression turned serious.
“Sophie, I want to be honest with you, okay? There are a couple of things you need to know before everyone arrives here tonight.”
My heart thumped in my chest, guessing that the honesty would reveal bad news. Like that we have to keep our relationship a secret from them or something. That would be so hard and would kill me to have to pretend.
I looked up into his eyes, waiting for him to reveal the truths I need to know.
“I just want you to know that there’s nothing going on between me and Jessica, even though I spend a lot of time with her, on set where we’re in situations all the time, I don’t want you to think any of that is going on in real life.”
“I don’t know what you mean,” I said as the water ran down my body.
“She’s the leading lady in our movie, I know you haven’t seen it but there are a lot of scenes where I have to kiss her, but it’s just for the film. We have to be close, but I want you to know I don’t have those kind of feelings for her,” he stared at me, monitoring my reaction. “I think of her more like an annoying sister. I’m worried she might say something tonight that’s out of line. And I just wanted you to know, from me, that there’s nothing going on with her.”
“Okay. So if she says something to me I should just ignore her?”
“Exactly. She might be okay, but I’m thinking she’s going to say something stupid. If she says anything to you, just tell me, okay?” he said as he rinsed his face under the water.
“Okay, I will. Are you finished or do you need more time in here?” I was ready to turn the water off. I looked at him expecting an answer but he still looked troubled.
“There’s something else you need to know,! He continued. “Me and Cesca…” he looked down with guilt. He looked me directly into the eyes when he spoke again. “It only happened once, and it was over a year ago.”
I reached behind my back and turned the water off. I had to get a hold on the admission he just made to me. I pushed open the shower curtain and was just about to step out of the bath when he gently grabbed my arm.
“Sophie, look at me. I swear it was only once…and after it happened I realised it was a huge mistake. I want you to know that I don’t have any feelings for her,” he was being sincere.
“Does she have feelings for you?” I asked. Disappointment filled my whispered voice.
“I don’t know. Sometimes she says things…I know I should have never crossed that line with her. But that’s why I told you,” his hand lifted my chin so I would look him in the eyes. “It doesn’t matter. I don’t care if she has feelings for me or not because I don’t feel the same way. I never did. I never will.”
I stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around my body.
Tom quickly wrapped a towel around his waist then grabbed my wrist, forcing me to look at him again.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to upset you like this, but I wanted you to know directly from me what the truth is. I’m telling you this because I don’t want any secrets between us. She’s coming here tonight too and I don’t want there to be tension between us if she was to say something stupid like I know she will.” He looked away and sighed before speaking again. “Sophie, I’m…” he paused to breathe out a deep sigh. “I only want you…just you, no one else. But I can’t change the mistakes I’ve made.”
I had to make an instant decision. I could let the jealousy consume me and be angry or be thankful for the man standing in front of me that cared enough about me to tell me the truth.
I slowly reached my hand up to place it on his cheek. “Thank you for being honest and for telling me,” I softly smiled.
“Are you mad at me?” he asked carefully.
“No, I’m not mad. It’s not nice to hear it, but we both have pasts.”
He took my face in his hands, staring into my eyes. His thumbs gently stroking my cheeks before he leaned in to softly kiss my lips.
I wrapped my hands around his middle as he kissed me passionately.
“We better get ready. We’re going to be guests soon,” I reminded him.

I started to brush through my hair, thinking about Tom’s admissions to me.
As long as he was an actor, women would be coming at him from all directions. But Tom was with me now, by his own choice.
That made me smile. I looked in the mirror at him. He pulled a black t-shirt over his head, his jeans were hanging low on his hips.
“What?” he asked softly, noting my stare. My eyes were still focused on the exposed skin of his stomach.
“What are you thinking?” he asked.
I smiled at him and decided to be blunt with him. “I was thinking about crawling back into bed with you.”
He charged over to where I stood and wrapped his arms around me. “I’d love that to happen, but I couldn’t want your clothes to get wrinkled, you look incredibly gorgeous in them,” his eyes moved down my body.
I was in my favourite dark blue denim jeans with a black tank top with a dark grey, sleeveless cardigan over it which I completed with a belt around my waist. I was also wearing my black ballet flats. I had contemplated wearing heels, but seeing as I’m already five foot nine inches, I didn’t think I’d need them.
I slipped my fingers into his hair and kissed him, appreciating that for this moment in time, he was all mine.
It was coming up to half three in the afternoon when Niall called to let me know that he and Libby were out in the alley, getting ready to help Sidney and Hanna unload the food.
“Here Sophie, take this box,” Sidney instructed. The back of Hanna’s van was full.
“Something smells amazing!” Tom said, taking the box from my hands, “Where do you want me to put this?”
“Just put everything on the bar for now, I need to set up the tables.” I couldn’t help but smile, seeing Tom so relaxed and happy was enough to lighten my mood even more.
Tom helped Niall set up a table for the food and then assisted in putting all the food onto the table.
“So…how’s it going?” Libby grinned and raised her eyebrows. She noticed how Tom and I were both glowing.
I glanced around to make sure we were alone before holding my hand up and spread my five fingers up to her. “Five?” she whispered in amazement.
“Did you take my advice and feed him to keep his energy level up?”
I chuckled and nodded.
“What are you ladies whispering about over here?” Tom asked after he set another box on the table.
Libby and I looked at each other and just grinned; it was obvious by our expressions that we were talking about - things.
Tom wrapped his arm around my waist. “I guess our secret is out now?” he chuckled.
“What secret?” Libby’s voice boomed. “It’s so obvious the way you two are like dancing around the place. The only thing missing are the words ‘I had hot sex’ written on your foreheads!” she motioned the words with her hand.
Tom and I laughed as he squeezed me tighter. “And it was incredible,” he whispered in my ear and kissed me on the neck.
Sidney walked into the bar with another box of food, noting Tom’s hold on me. “Fuck sake!” He grumbled.
Niall was right behind him and when he saw us he started laughing.
“Looks like you owe me some money,” Niall muttered.
“Doesn’t mean anything,” Sidney snapped. He looked over at Libby she nodded her head to confirm his suspicions.
“You couldn’t hold off for two more days?” He said to us.
I glared at Libby.
“Don’t look at me! You know how competitive those two are.”
“You bastards betting on us?” he asked joking.
“Yes! And you cost me twenty quid!”
Tom slipped his hand into his pocket and peeled a twenty pound note from the crumbled pile of notes.
“Here you go, Niall. Sidney’s loss is my gain,” he laughed. “It was worth every penny!”
Niall didn’t hesitate, he took the twenty note and shoved it in his pocket.
Tom, Niall and Sidney began discussing male related subjects while Libby, Hanna and I finished setting up the buffet table.
“He fits perfectly!” Libby whispered in my ear. “They’re like long lost friends!2
“I know!” I whispered back. The sight of the three of them getting along so well was heart-warming.
“Tom fuckin’ Fletcher!” Libby giggled as she gave me a shoulder hug. “So, tell me, is he big?”
“What do you think?” I murmured, amused that she would ask such a question.
She breathed out a rough sigh.
“No fantasizing about him. You have your own. That’s one’s mine. And try not to ask questions about their stupid movie. They’re just regular people.”
Hanna had prepared a whole range of food, hot and cold. It all looked delicious. There were prawn and lobster bites, several little desserts and chocolate dipped fruits.
I started to uncork a bottle of wine while the guys discussed football and other male related stuff. They were talking footballer’s names. It’s a wonder how they could remember all of those names, but they can’t remember simple details. Like the other day when Tom asked me where his bag was.
Tom was obviously hungry, he was popping food in his mouth between words. He had just shoved a big piece of cheese in his mouth when his phone rang.
After a brief conversation, he met me behind the bar.
“Danny and his wife are on their way. They’re driving themselves. The rest of the group are just being picked up at the hotel. Dan said that they are being followed by paparazzi.” Tom’s words sounded almost angry.
“I have to go and start the grill, you want to come with me?” I asked, hoping he would follow.
He nodded and followed.
He playfully nipped my bum with his fingers as we climbed the steps to the roof.
I opened the rooftop door and turned to look at his wide eyed expression. “Oh my God, Sophie! This is incredible!”
I had a good part of the roof transformed into a nice balcony. The floor wooden and the outdoor bar had a granite top. On the other end of the balcony, was the enormous stacked stone counter and stainless steel grill.
Around the wall and the railings of the balcony I had attached little white fairy lights to make the balcony suitable for night use. At the center of the patio was a large table that seated twelve.
Tom looked quite mesmerised by it all.
“You can see the sea from here,” he grinned, leaning against the metal railings.
I turned the gas on underneath the grill and lit it.
“Do you think people might like to sit up here too? I could start a fire.”
“Yeah. I know I wouldn’t mind being up here for a little while.”
I pulled some wood from the storage bin and stacked it in the fireplace. Tom was standing with his fingers in his front pockets looking out at the sea and the setting sun. His face was perfect for a picture. I stood next to him, enjoying the view of the colours over the sea. I had seen the setting sun over it a thousand times, but with Tom standing next to me, it was even more beautiful. Tom slipped his hand out of his pockets and took my hand in his. He lifted my hand to his lips and planted a soft kiss.
He leaned over to give me a kiss. Either he was a brilliant actor, or he was falling for me. I hoped it was the second option.
I giggled lightly when he pulled my hand behind his back to pull me closer and I fell into him.
He smiled at me and pressed his lips to mine harder. Tom quickly let go of my hand and placed both his hands on my neck, raising my face to his. His kiss was so passionate, I was totally lost in him.
I heard someone clear their throat behind Tom. Niall had escorted Danny and his wide to the roof. Jessica and Cesca were directly behind them. The second we realised we weren’t alone, Tom immediately let go.
“Aren’t you two cozy already,” Jessica said.
Tom fired a dirty look in her direction. He ignored her and guided me over to Danny and his wife.
“Hey Dan!” Tom shook his hand. “Sophie, I’d like to introduce you to Danny’s wide, Chelsea. Chelsea, this is Sophie - Sophie Vevle, she’s the owner of this fine establishment.”
I held out my hand to Chelsea. I remembered seeing her many times on TV, but she was even lovelier in person. She had long, curled hair, high cheek bones, and the type of smile that was infectious. I noticed she was a few years older than me, but she was a fair bit shorter than me.
“Hi Chelsea, it’s nice to meet you!”
“You too, Sophie!” She gave me a warm hug. “Oh, wow! Dan, look at this view!”
“This is magnificent, Sophie,” Danny agreed. I saw him look at Tom and smile.
Chelsea walked to the fireplace, I could see she wanted a closer look. “Dan, I want this!”
“I think my credit card just screamed in fear,” Danny mumbled.
“It was easy to build. You can easily fit a fire screen across the front too, for the safety of your daughter.”
Chelsea and I carried on our discussion, she was very intrigued by all of the balcony. “I actually designed all of this. Obviously the contractor gave a little input too.”
“We’ll have to bring to our place and you can design something for us.”
Chelsea was very easy to talk to. She was a very pleasant and care free person. I could see myself being good friends with her.
Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed Jessica and Cesca walking toward us. I didn’t want to be rude to them so I smiled in their direction. Tom and Danny were chatting about something apparently funny that had happened on set the other day, and I noticed Tom barely acknowledged the other girls’ presence.
“Hi!” I held out my hand to Jessica. “I’m Sophie.”
She shook my hand quickly.
“I’m Jessica,” she mumbled, apparently under the impression I was meant to know who she was.
“It’s nice to meet you. You must be Cesca.” I said warmly.
She nodded, barely looking at me. She was as unpleasant towards me as I expected.
“Can I offer you both a drink? We have a variety of wines downstairs.”
Jessica plonked her arse down in one of the chairs. “A glass of white wine?”
Cesca sat down next to her. Before Cesca responded, the rooftop door opened and several new people joined us. I recognised Dougie Poynter straight away, I remember him being in the pub before. Next to him was a woman who looked to be in her early twenties with medium length, wavy blonde hair and beautifully tanned.
Tom came to my side and was smiling at our new guests. “Hey everyone!” the young woman greeted. “Hey Tom!” She came right over to us. She very much looked like the wanted to have a good time, not like the other two who were glaring form their thrones.
“Sophie, this is Suzannah. Suzz, this is Sophie.”
“Hi Sophie! Call me Suzie or Suzz, up to you, just not Suzannah!” I nodded and held my hand out to her but she gave me a hug. “It’s nice to finally meet you!”
“It’s nice to meet you too!” I said hugging her back. I wondered what she meant by ‘finally’. “Tom’s told me a lot about you. I’m so glad to see him happy,” she whispered in my ear.
“Sophie, this is Harry Judd,” Suzannah motioned to a tall, muscled man beside her.
“Hi Harry. Nice to meet you,” I held out my hand which he shook.
Tom leaned over and whispered in my ear, “I’m allowed to tell you that they’re together. I told Suzz that you’re very trustworthy.”
His eyes flashed to look at Suzannah who was bouncing with happiness.
“They’ve been together for a while, but they’d prefer no public interference.”
“I totally understand, it’s safe with me.” Apparently Tom had been sharing our private details with her, but she looked trustworthy.
“Do you think we could get everyone downstairs? That way I can get everyone drinks and we can start eating soon,” I asked Tom, also thinking of my friends who had barely made an appearance on the rooftop.
Tom made an announcement and ushered everyone downstairs.
Chelsea and Suzannah stopped as we made our way through my flat.
“What are you thinking?” Tom asked them, following their gazes around.
“This is amazing. It’s huge!” Suzannah said excitedly.
Tom took them for a tour and stopped in the kitchen. “Sophie, this place is like a dream, so modern too,” Chelsea beamed.
“I love the stove. It’s big enough to cook for forty people!” Tom exaggerated.
“Speaking of cooking, let’s go down for a drink then I’ll get the steaks going.”
Jessica and Cesca were sitting at the big round table. I wondered besides her petite body, long blonde hair and piercing blue eyes, what attracted Tom to Cesca. Jessica looked bored. Cesca on the other hand was making mental notes; judging everyone, and without a doubt, more so me.
I set two bottles of wine on the buffet table when I heard them talking. “Didn’t take him long to get himself some in this town,” Jessica said coldly. “Guess she’s the new toy for the month.”
Her eyes looked me up and down when she saw me standing there.
“Don’t let them get to you,” Chelsea said, making a small plate of finger food beside me, “They’re threatened by you.”
“I don’t understand. I don’t even know them.”
“Tom’s no longer available, plus he obviously likes you a lot. They’re jealous. They seem to think they own him or something. I’ll be glad to finish this movie, then there will be no more then,” she smiled at me like it was our own secret joke.
“I didn’t know I’d offended them.”
“You captured his attention, that was enough,” Chelsea giggled. She took a bite of a chicken coujon. “So, how did you and Tom meet?”
I hesitated. “I think you should ask Tom about that,” I politely said.
“Good! You’re a quick learner! Are you dating him?”
“No. I’m not dating anyone.” My answer wasn’t entirely a lie. We haven’t confirmed anything and we’d never gone on a date.
“I like you! He made a good choice. Being involved with a celebrity has a lot of challenges. You need to be strong and not let gossip get you. Or jealous actresses,” she winked. I can see why her and Danny are perfect together, their personalities are so much alike. Both smiley, bouncy people and are both absolutely lovely; they’re a perfect match.
We moved further away from the buffet table to continue our conversation in private.
“I’ve known Tom nearly two years now. I’ve never seen him like this with anyone.” Chelsea smiled. I leaned closer wanting to know more. “Sophie, he’s worried about you and how you’ll cope with being in the public eye. Tom is a sensitive guy, he has trouble coping himself.” She paused to let Cesca pass us. “But you can’t be in a hugely popular movie and not be in the spotlight. He’s learning how to handle being famous. You’re gonna have to learn with him.”
She nodded her head in his direction. “That’s who he really is, right there. But outside your front door photographers are waiting, that’s what brings him the stress.”
“I know. I wish they’d leave you all alone, especially him.” Tom and I were looking at each other from across the room.
“I said I’d help him,” she smiled, noticing his glance. “I want to see him happy, and you seem to make him ecstatic.”
Tom made his way over to me; he was grinning the whole way.
“Hey! How are you ladies doing?”
“We’re just standing here talking about you,” Chelsea giggled.
“I sort of guessed! You have anything good to say?” he asked me.
“I’m sorry, I don’t think we’ve ever met. Who are you?” I asked with a polite smile. It made Chelsea laugh, Tom on the other hand pulled me into a teasing headlock.
“I’ll have to refresh your memory later,” he murmured in my ear.
I heard his stomach growl while he was wrestling me. “I think I better get those steaks on,” I said between laughing.
“Yes! I’m starving!” Tom agreed.
“Fat Tom’s coming out to play?” Chelsea asked with a chuckle.
“He most certainly is!” Tom beamed, patting his stomach. I looked at Tom confused, “I’ll explain later, c’mon woman, feed me!”
Tom followed me to the kitchen and helped me carry the steaks to the balcony. I retrieved my utensils and a large iron pot.
“Would you put this on the hook over the fire place, please?”
“Course, but you have to kiss me first,” he smiled and leaned over, giving me a brief kiss.
When he stepped back to me, he wrapped his arms around my waist.
“What’s the timer for?” he whispered onto my neck. It was going to be difficult doing this with his body pressed to my back.
“So I know how long they’ve been on so I can flip them,” I giggled. Tom’s lips had found my earlobe.
“You’re driving me insane. Are you here to learn or to distract?”
“Sorry, here to help.” His hands let go of my hips.
I turned quickly to face him and wrapped my arms around his neck, kissing him passionately. He responded immediately, holding me tight. He had just slipped his hands into my back pockets when I heard the rooftop door slam. Tom released me and I turned to see Jessica and Cesca walking toward us.
“Great,” I murmured just loud enough for Tom to hear.
“Rehearsing again, Tom?” Jessica said as she sat on one of the chairs.
“No, I’m not,” he answered coldly. “But if you don’t like it, go back downstairs.”
“I only came to tell you Danny’s looking for you.”
“Dan can wait, he knows where I am, he’ll come up here if it was that important.”
When the timer buzzed, I lifted the grill cover to flip the steaks.
“You’ve got to grill it for three minutes on each side then rest for three minutes, then repeat the process.”
I looked at him. “Can you pass me the iron pot over from the fire? Take this so you don’t burn yourself.” I handed him the oven glove.
“Yep!” He grinned and slid his hand into the glove.
I placed the first lot of steaks in the pot and covered them with the lid to keep them heated. I just put the second lot of steaks on the grill as Libby came out. “Tom, the guys are playing darts and they want you to even out teams. They’re arguing that the teams are unfair,” She said, rolling her eyes.
“Nah, I’m staying with Sophie,” he replied quickly. I knew he didn’t want to leave me alone with the bitch sisters. “You go play. Libby will keep me company.” I gave him a devilish grin to let him know I wouldn’t take any of their crap.
“Are you sure?” he whispered.
“Yeah,” I smiled.
“Don’t take any of their shit.”
I smiled. “I don’t intend to.”
Libby was with me now, I would just ignore them. “That’s my girl! I’ll see you in a bit,” he gave me a quick kiss. “Play nicely, ladies,” he said looking at Libby then to the table before walking off.
“What’s their problem?” Libby whispered to me as she sat on a stool.
I rolled my eyes.
“Did you meet Chelsea and Suzannah?” I asked.
“Yeah! They’re lovely! Hanna is down there with them now. They’re both so funny!”
“I’m sorry I didn’t introduce you to everyone. I’ve been distracted.”
“I can tell!” Libby giggled.
Jessica started talking to Cesca, apparently wanting me to hear too.
“This studio is gonna be fuming when they find out he’s involved with someone. Being single in the public eye means his fan base will be bigger and the movies will make more money. They wont let them be seen together, they’ll make him break up with her. She’s not even famous.”
I knew she was being mean, but I couldn’t help but think it’s true.
“So, Sophie, how did you and Tom meet?”
“You should ask him, it’s not my place to say.”
“He’s such a good actor and liar that I wouldn’t believe anything he tells me.”
Libby’s eyes shot up to me.
“I wouldn’t know about of acting abilities, I haven’t seen any of his movies,” I replied over my shoulder. “But when he looks at me, I can tell he’s not pretending. He doesn’t have a reason to pretend with me.” I smirked at Libby who chuckled quietly.
“Well, enjoy it while it lasts. In a few weeks he’ll be gone.”
My smile faded immediately, she sound my weak spot. The bitch!
“You actually thought he would stay here, didn’t you? How pathetic! You probably also think what you have is special. I hate to inform you but you’re not the only one he’s slept with here. It’s the same from town to town, how easy they fall for his shit. He tells them what they like to hear, he’s a brilliant actor. Anyway, we’re leaving for Scotland soon and he’s got movies after that. He don’t have time for a relationship. He’ll think of you only until he’s after someone else.”
Chelsea’s words about how I had to be strong flashed in my mind. I looked at Libby with desperation, I had no idea what to say.
“Tom has obligations, but I don’t think that will be enough to keep them apart,” Libby said in my defence. “You two are perfect with each other,” she said to me.
Temporary relief washed over me and a smile broke on my lips.
“Oh he really has fooled you! You really have no idea how many women he’s slept with have you? He’s made them all feel like he was their perfect match.”
“Maybe Sophie is his perfect match. With the way he is around her, it comes from his heart, and not what a script says,” Libby fired back.
“Let me guess, he’s been calling and texting you? He’s probably used the same lines on you that he has all the others. Tom is an actor, he gets paid to be someone he’s not. He lies for a living.”
I had a vision of pushing her off the edge of the roof.
“Tom has no desire to settle. He goes to all the parties, gets all the women, they’re just toys to him.”
Libby glared at her. “Other actors have relationships and get married all the time. I don’t know why you think Tom is any different.”
Jessica laughed. “Married? He isn’t the marrying type. Besides, if he did ever get married, it’d ne to another celebrity.”
“Celebrities don’t always marry other celebrities. Anyway, most of the celebs that have married other celebs, they’re marriages end in divorce.”
“Some do, yes. Tom’s already been told he needs to get focused,” she said.
“Maybe it was something on set that was making him lose focus?” I pointed out. “Maybe someone having a bad costume day, or was behaving like a fourteen year old spoilt brat. Or perhaps someone is still clinging onto something that happened once a long time ago? I’m sure those irritating things are going to affect his performance.”
Stick that up your arse, bitch!
She abruptly stood from her seat followed by Cesca. “Don’t over cook my steak,” Jessica hugged as she stomped towards the door.
Going Through The Motions
Going Through The Motions

Posts : 209
Age : 31
Join date : 2012-03-25
Location : Essex! Dont be jel, be reem ;)

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